One Earth, one film, one chance
Take part in the short film making competition!

One Earth One film One chance

Help us spread the word and raise awareness of sustainability, protection of the Earth and green thinking!

Shoot4Earth 24 hour film-making world marathon

The first occasion when AI and human-made films are presented together

Let’s stop wasting food!

The Faculty of Culture Education and Rural Development of the University of Pécs, Hungary and the Foundation of Shoot4Earth launch their initiative in 2024 as well to organize a world competition of green mini films. The unique 24 hour global film-making marathon has the purpose of raising awareness to a global problem of wasting food, and to promote the spreading of sustainability and green thinking.

The participants of this unique film-making marathon only have 24 hours, one day to create their 1 minute video. The Shoot4Earth Film-marathon introduces the novelty of including AI-made films, next to human-made ones in the competition.

Stop wasting food

The competition is connected to the world day of fighting food-wasting at an international level (September 29). The UN’s purpose is to reduce global food waste by 2030 with 50%. It is estimated that globally a 1,3 billion ton of food is wasted while 828 million people are starving.

The competition

The competition takes place globally, with respect to time zone differences. The organizers, in the second of the start signal at the beginning of the contest reveal several theme possibilities in each time zone, and it is compulsory to choose and include one in the mini film.

Anybody can join the contest, from anywhere. The genre can be chosen freely, it can be any category, and to make it, participants shall use a simple cell phone. The film can be a short film with living beings as characters and protagonists, a videoclip or an animation.

Participants can register until the very start of the competition on the official website of the event. Teams can be any size, even 1 person can apply. They need to make a maximum 1 minute long film, in which they must call attention to the global problem of awareness and the importance of paying attention, not wasting resources, with conscious planning of our food management in our everyday lives that can ensure the protection of our environment.

The creations must be uploaded to the internet, following the rules of the competition described on the official website in the rules of the game section. All this must be done within 24 hours. The films will be evaluated by an international jury, and after the marathon there will be an announcement of the winners. Regional producers help the realization of this 24 hour marathon across the globe in each country.

For more information visit the official website of the event:

Artistic director and program leader:

Felhívás a versenyre:

One single apple, a handful of rice, one slice of bread – this is a lot more than just food. This is our life, our planet. But what happens if it gets wasted? Shoot4Earth now gives you an opportunity to prove that every single bite counts”.

Egyetlen alma, egy marék rizs, egy szelet kenyér – mindez sokkal több, mint pusztán étel.

Ez az életünk, a bolygónk. De mi történik, ha elpazaroljuk?

A Shoot4Earth versenyen most lehetőséged van megmutatni, hogy minden falat számít.”